Ok, so we have all derived our sense of identity from our
degrees, designations, looks, knowledge, kids’ knowledge, kids’ degrees, kids’
designations, cars, houses, lovers, names dropping…..and so on. Yes, at
different times I have faked being a ‘graduate’ or ‘his wife’, ‘a writer’, ‘a
journalist’ and so on. (None of them are true). … for I have never been ‘enough’
being all that and more. None of it ever
completed me, right?
So, I added more and more content to my existence, my being.
E.g. my knowledge, -- “Wow! The intelligent me” , my sense of humor- “The
amazing me” and then “the worthless me”, “the loser me”, “the betrayed me”……….
How many stories about a ‘me’ I know nothing of?
Coming to the beginning, yes, we’ve all been there, done
that. And yes, many of us continue to do it--- Deriving our entire identity
from what all I have in my life (the ‘content’ of my life as Eckhart Tolle
On the flip side, now I am wiser (o yeah!) and so I give up
seeking self worth in my car (it’s not worth much anyway!) …. And I turn ‘SPIRITUAL’,
I run into the right kind of people and I learn more and I know that there is
something beyond all the noise…….and so I seek.
In the meantime I discover that I am not my identity as I
knew it so far.
So far, so good.
And I learn more –I am not my mind, not my body, not my
intellectual/ emotional/ frontal side…….and more.
…. AND more…
…. AND………
I stopped grabbing more and more in the world outside to
derive my sense of identity and I started here, on another plane. ‘The spiritual me’, ‘the seeker me’, ‘the
learner me’…….
Oh how interesting! Now all I need to do is to add a ‘Ma’ or “Swami” behind my name and
create a facebook page. (or wait for my ‘disciples’ to add a couple of ‘Sri’s
before my name)
or worst of all- add ‘mentor’ or ‘life coach’ to my name (for then I
needn’t even be right or truthful.
Do you realize how the ego plays out? If not this then that,
if not the corporate race, then the race to enlightenment, ……..become a bigger
fish in the spiritual fishmarket.
Become a ‘ma’ or ‘guru’ or ‘swami’ or (don’t throw up) ‘mentor’
Should I judge it? Or
should I leave it to up to you? ;p